Friday, March 16, 2012

Ready for Camp 2012!!!!

“Reaching Everyone’s Ability to Communicate with Help”

Located in the Greensboro Garden Club Annex beside The Natural Science Center
4301 Lawndale Drive
Greensboro, NC

Ages:3-young adult, with a caregiver.
Cost: $150
(Price includes all materials, admission and 12.5 hours of speech therapy!)

June 18-22 & June 25-29


Does your child have severe communication and/or physical needs?  Have you always wanted summer experiences for them that are fun, educational, and accessible?  Then this is for your family! 
We are a team of therapists, specializing in augmentative communication and speech services for individuals with severe impairments, with over 30 years of combined experience.  As therapists and parents, we recognize that the same camp opportunities are not available for all children and have set out to do something about it!  Each day will include literacy, art, music/movement, writing, technology use, and exploration.  Our themes will include:
* Campers, Campers, What Do You See? (3-10) *
The GREAT Outdoors (3-10) *Let’s Get Cookin’ (10+)
*Explosions, Slime & Goo, Oh My! (10+)*

These summer speech camps will be interesting & engaging! 
We hope to see you soon!
     Becca, Wendi &  Jennifer





Saturday, June 25, 2011

Howdy! We are ready for some Barnyard Fun!


Barnyard Fun!

Camp REACH....

What started with three friends, who were also speech language pathologists having lunch to talk about how to provide speech therapy to children and young adults with significant disabilities and augmentative communication needs in a new way to include community, home, and school....has turned into REACH.

Last summer we offered one week long camp for 3 hours a day, called Animal Tales. It was held at the Greensboro Natural Science Center. We filled all 10 spots by word of mouth and had a blast! So this summer we decided to offer 5 camps at the Greensboro Garden Council near the Science Center....

6/27-7/1, 9:00-11:30, Barnyard Fun! (Ages 3-10) Hang out with the animals in the barnyard for some fun!

7/11-7/15, 9:00-11:30, Dinosaurs ROAR! (Ages 3-10) Roar, Stomp, Dance too! Discover all that Dinosaurs Can Do!

7/11-7/15, 1:00-3:30, I Spy, Mystery Camp (Ages 11 and up) Investigate all that the Science Center has to offer with exciting clues and mysterious puzzles.
7/18-7/22, 9:00-11:30, If You Give a Kid a Camp…. (Ages 3-10) Participate in a literacy-based camp through books, cooking, crafts, and more!

7/18-7/22, 1:00-3:30, Something’s Fishy: A Tale in Letters, Of Liars and Leaks (Ages 11 and up) Travel the worlds fountains through Kate Klise’s novel, Regarding the Fountain, exploring the Aquarium and fountain exhibits, cooking, writing, and discussing famous fountains.

Thanks to the Greensboro Garden Council for use of their building, Savvy Advocates, our nonprofit partner, AIG, Assistive Technology Works, Carolina Mobility and Seating, Nat Greene Kiwanis, Chickfila, TobiiATI, and all of our friends and families!

Follow us on our blog.... We are going to REACH for lots of fun this summer!!!